Harvesting Quality, Sowing Trust..

  • Sanket Warehouse, Rau, Indore
  • +91-9111-9111-09

Our research and development meets problems faced by farmers by providing them with high quality seeds which are safe for people and environment.

R&D Centre Infrastructure

Seed research is a broad field of study that encompasses many different aspects of seeds, including their genetics, production, conservation, and use in agriculture.

Seed Testing Lab

Our Seed Testing Lab specializes in testing the quality and viability of seeds. The lab typically receives samples of seeds from farmers, seed companies, and other organizations, and performs various tests to determine their quality and viability.

  • Germination Test
  • A germination test is a test used to determine the viability and quality of seeds. The test involves placing a sample of seeds in a controlled environment under specific conditions of moisture, temperature, and light, and then observing and counting the number of seeds that germinate over a period of time.

  • Physical Purity Analysis
  • Physical purity analysis is a test used to determine the percentage of pure seeds in a sample, as well as the percentage of other plant material, contaminants, or inert matter. The purpose of this test is to ensure that the seeds are of high quality and meet industry standards.

  • Moisture Check
  • Moisture check is a test used to determine the moisture content of seeds. The purpose of this test is to ensure that the seeds are not too dry or too moist, as both conditions can affect seed quality and storage life.

  • Odv (other distinguishable variety) Check
  • "Other distinguishable variety" (ODV) check is a seed testing procedure used to identify the presence of other varieties or strains of a crop species in a seed lot. This test is commonly used in seed certification programs and seed production to ensure that the seed lot is of the intended variety and does not contain mixtures of other varieties or strains.

  • Vigour Test
  • A vigor test is a seed testing procedure used to determine the seed's ability to produce strong, healthy seedlings under stress conditions. This test helps to identify seeds that may have lower germination rates but have a higher potential to produce healthy and robust plants.